Our first trips

We chose our house in Enveitg because we renovated it to make it as efficient as possible in terms of potable water usage and to verify our own theories first. Building on this initial success, we will focus our efforts on mass communication to find strong, motivated, and motivating partners. We are pleased to announce that the bioclimatic house in Dordogne, Earthship Biras, has just joined us!

We begin on Monday, June 24th, looking for professionals who align with our philosophy of maximizing resource savings!
Thus, we will approach many hosts in the hope of finding 10 who will allow us to test and improve our concept of a unifying web portal with high visibility. To do this, we need to develop a Cross-Channel technology capable of defending our concept but also capable of supporting the brands, signs, and groups of those who trust us.

A site dedicated to our clients' visibility

From the beginning of the CHLORODIA® project, we envisioned the possibility of creating a dedicated space like a web showcase to promote our clients on a channel over which we would have the strictest control and that would allow us to improve the entire system based on affiliation.

How do we envision our placement strategy?

By regularly conducting marketing actions and commercial operations with our partners to become, within a reasonable time, a reference in terms of web portals dedicated to tourist accommodations.