Understanding Water and Energy Conservation
and Their Positive Impact on Biodiversity

Open to all profiles, this training presents the challenges of water, energy, and biodiversity while building a personalized actions plan.
Supported by solid datas, our recommendations guide you on realistic and budgeted resource savings devices. During this 3-day program, you will also explore industrial and natural sites related to resource management.

Training location: 3 rue de Taouge, 66760 Enveitg, France
Fee: €2100 including accommodation in a private room (we recommend to arrive one day before), our kitchen is available for meals.
The training is intended for individuals or couples interested in sustainable resource-efficient housing. No prerequisites required.
Trainers: Pascale LEFEBURE and Gabriel RIBOT.
Reservation: please contact us directly to confirm the dates.

Training Schedule

"Engineer in environment and agro-resources,
I am particularly concerned with the proper management of our resources."

As Environmental Engineer and project manager, Pascale Lefebure supports companies and individuals to reduce their freshwater consumption dramatically with a range of efficient and user-friendly solutions. Pascale LEFEBURE began her career as an R&D engineer in a water pollution remediation company using micro-algae bioremediation. She worked several years in ministries to evaluate emerging technologies such as nanotechnologies and 3D printing. In 2015, she moved in America where she worked for the UN as a program manager for the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals.

Since 2021, as project manager for SIGNECO, Pascale developed a circular economy platform in Catalonia region under energy-saving constraints and participated in the development of a water consumption self-diagnostic application. In 2023, she worked on the profitability of responsible innovations for a major engineering group.
In 2024, she followed energy audit training for individual houses and carbon footprint assessments.
She has joined the Climate Fresk community and the Climate Reality Leadership Corps formed by former US Vice President Al Gore.


Adventurer in resource-efficient solutions and creator of the Chlorodia concept

Gabriel RIBOT
"Prototype engineer in digital eco-design by training,
I am involved in energy-saving projects in connected computing."

Gabriel RIOBOT began his career in 1996 by designing and assembling computing units for scientific research. In 2000, he became one of the first prototype engineers to work on less energy-consuming analytical servers. In 2001, he deployed the first web platform for free exchanges among digital professionals to promote eco-design of communication tools. In 2004, this network was structured around a limited liability company of which he became manager. Building on the success of the digital transition, in 2008, he tackled the ecological transition by creating a dedicated department, SIGNECO, which supports professionals to reduce their ecological footprints. In line with this idea of helping others reduce their energy consumption, he joined the Chlorodia network in 2023.

Gabriel RIBOT

Prototype engineer in energy-efficient computing and Chlorodia expert